Connect your xRunBook Actions to Slack. Message your team!
Creating a Slack OAuth Access Token
To Obtain a Slack Access Token, you'll need to complete a few steps with Slack:
Create a Slack Application. Choose "from a manifest".
2. Pick the workspace you'd like to send messages to: (If you have yet, join our Cloud-ops-community workspace)
3. In the manifest file, you can name your application:
4. Click through the rest of the steps, and then you'll land at a page with many configuration options. Under "add features and functionality," click "Permissions."
5. Scroll to "Scopes." We need to add 2 scopes for the app to send messages to our Slack Channel: channels:read
and chat:write
6. We're now ready to create the OAuth token. Scroll to the top of the page, and click the green "Install to Workspace" (if you make changes, you'll have a "reinstall app" option).
7. This will create your OAuth token that you can insert into your unSkript Credentials.
Last updated